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    NASPOLY Pre-HND And Diploma Admission 2018/2019 Announced

    This is to inform the general public that the Nasarawa State Polytechnic, Lafia has commenced the sales of Application Forms for admission into Consultancy services unit (Part Time) for Diploma and Pre-Higher National Diploma (Pre-HND).

    The forms can be obtained at the office of the Director, Consultancy Services Unit of the polytechnic on Payment of N3,000 for Diploma Programmes and N4,000 for Pre-Higher National Diploma (Pre-HND) respectively .
    Application Deadline
    All completed application forms should be returned to the office of the Director, Consultancy services on or before 30th of April, 2018. 
    All Diploma I, Diploma II and Pre-HND students should note that End of Second Semester Examination Will commence on Thursday 3rd May, 2018. Students are Expected to clear their school fees immediately as only those who paid their school fees will be allowed into the Examination Hall.
    Alh. Hamza Mohammed 
    Director, Consultancy services
    Nasarawa State polytechnic, Lafia .

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